Sunday 7 February 2010

Audience research results, graphs and report

Results from my questionnaire. I gave my questionnaire to 15 of my friends, 8 being girls and 7 boys.
In the research I carried out I wanted to see wether a persons sex and personality affected audience preference. My questionnaire consisted of open and closed questionnaires. The closed questions producing quantitive data which I have shown in graphs and open questionnaires producing qualitative data I have written in a report.

1 girl preferred to go to cinema city, 5 boys and 5 girls to Vue 2 boys to Hollywood cinema and 2 girl to Odeon. A question followed this asking why they preferred there chosen cinema, a girl who chose the most popualar choice of cinema, Vue said they preferred that cinema because, 'It's in the city centre and close to the bus stop, its easy to get to and meet up with friends there.' A boy who prefered Vue said they chose that cinema because,' It's in the city centre and close to the shops, close to pizza hut and you go for something to eat before.' From looking at why they chose that cinema girls maily prefered there chosen cinema because it was close to the city centre, one girl who said they prefered Cinema City said they like it because, 'It's really cosy, and unique, and often quite quite which I like, they also show films you can't see at the big cinema's.'

6 girls and 2 boys said they had a close circle of friends. 5 boys and 2 girls said they had a large group of friends. This question was one of the personality questions I used to get a general idea of the participants personality. Asking this question ment I could establish a link between a persons anwser to this question and a later question related to audience, 'Do you prefer to watch films alone or with others?'
2 boys said they would keep the wallet
1 girl said she would take the things she found valurable. 5 boys and 7 girls said they would hand the wallet in to a Police station or lost property. This was another personality question I used in the quesionnaire. I Asked this question ment I could establish a link between a persons anwser to this question and a later question related to audience, 'Have you ever illegally downloaded a film or owned a pirate copy of a film?'

3 boys and 1 girl mostly consumed films on the internet or watching online. 3 girls and 2 boys said DVD's, 2 girls TV - broadcast, satallite, and 2 girls and 2 boys said at the cinema. By then asking why they prefer to consume film in their chosen medium I could make links between sex and personality.

1 girl and 1 boy said a good review is most likely to get them to see the lastest film, 3 boys and 4 girls said favourite actor, 2 boys 1 girl said favourite genre, and I girl and 1 boy said if they like the look of the subject/plot matter.

2 girls said they where most likely to see, hear go to find out about the lastest films by word of mouth. 2 boys 1 girl said online review 2 boys 2 girls said visiting cinema websites, 1 girl 1 boy said advertising in the cinema.or listings, and 2 boys and 2 girls said trailers.

Written results

From the question, ' If you found a wallet would you ...? 7 girls to 5 boys answered that they would hand the wallet in. 4 out of five of both the boys and girls said they preferred to watch films with others too. One boy who said they would keep the wallet also answered that they had owned a pirate copy film and when asked why, they answered 'it’s free and easy'. This person also preferred to view films at Hollywood cinema and also preferred to watch films alone. From the question 'Where do you mostly consume film? 3 boys to 1 girl answered 'On the computer/laptop' one of the 3 boys who answered this explained that they preferred this medium because, 'It's easy to sit and watch a film from a laptop, you can put it anywhere, and I mostly sit in bed and watch films.' 3 girls to 2 boys said they mainly consumed film through DVD, all 3 of the girls generally answered that they normally borrow DVD's from friends and then watch them at home on a laptop or computer. The 2 boys and 2 girls who answered 'at the cinema' when later asked 'where are you most likely to see, hear go to find out about the latest films' answered 'trailers'. From the question, ' Do you prefer a film to have a male or female lead? 5 boys preferred to go see a film with a male lead, 2 answered female. When asked why, one of the boys who answered male said, 'Allot of films especially action films are written and rely on a male lead to make it good.' 4 girls preferred to go see a film with a male lead and 4 said female, when asked why one of the girls who answered 'female' said, 'I prefer a film to have a female lead because I feel that I can relate to the character more.' she also answered like most the girls that she had a small close group of friends and heard about the latest film by word of mouth.


In conclusion, I feel that overall the results gathered from our research have indicated my expectations were generally correct, and that a person’s sex and personality effected things like their preferred media to watch films and where to watch them. The results from my research have show a clear relationship between the three, for example, the bar chart of the results for 'Where are you most likely to see, hear or go to find out about the latest film’ boys where more likely to find out on the internet from cinema sites etc than girls; clearly shows that there is a difference with viewing habits with boys and girls. Of the people who chose to watch film online, the majority also said they has owned a pirate copy DVD this being most likely because they use the internet allot, don’t have the money to buy films, or can't be bothered. It was interesting to see that the majority of people who answered in that way where boys. The personality question I used in my questionnaire provided some interesting results for example the people who answered that they would hand in a wallet they had found hadn’t owned a pirate DVD, the majority of these people also preferred to watch films with others. My research has been interesting to do and I have found out some interesting relationships between an audiences sex and personality.


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  3. Good - some interesting findings and commentary on the difference in marketing to male and female film audiences and also the consumption habits of males and females
