Thursday 3 December 2009

Developed location ideas

I took these photos of location idea for the briefcase exchange - meeting of Christian and Joules, and the assult on Joules. Trowse - pumping station and under Trowse bridge. Under the Trowse bridge and around that area are delelict industrial buildings. There are various old doors and buildings under the bridge. hiya. There is also in this area a large old industrial building and more similar buildings at the back. Ajacent to the area under the bridge is the Norwich - London train route.
Close up of the area under the bridge has old rail and storage rooms which are now boarded up. There is still evidence of the rail past. There are several interesting aged doors and arches in this area.

Midium shot the same area, in this photo the arc of the connecting bridge from the quary (Lafarges) can be seen with the train way just beyond this.

Medium shot of a large derilict industral building in the area. Beautiful arced window and door and clock tower. Run down, old, abanded and quiet making the perfect place for the briefcase exchange.

Close up of the door of the above building. Beautifully old. Could be possible place of briefcase exchange the arc of the door representing the framing of Joules. Below a photo of more buildings in this area, large and towering.

Inspiration for the setting came from watching previous thrillers such as Once upon a time in America and The Thrid Man.Where as you can see, the dark, gloomy back-alley setting has been proved as a great generic thriller signifier, and we feel that this would give the perfect feel to our thriller, as the dark, gloomy, isolated streets give a sense of fear, that danger may just be around the corner... For example in this shot of the character 'Noodles' coming out of a doorway round the back of a dark alley.  The Third Man a noir thriller  is set in the post war derelict urban streets of Vienna, Austria. The buildings show signs of the war that has past, smashes windows boarded up doors. The streets are often wet and gloomy. The buildings looking striking and dominant with there wet glaze of the raining sky and dark and light on dark contrast. Characters shadows climb the dark walls looking mysterious and threatening. The dark provides perfect places for a lurking character, hidden in a doorway. The darkness can make characters look strong, mysterious, threatning but on the other hand vunrable and alone. 

1 comment:

  1. Well done Lizzie for taking these very moody and generically appropriate photographs. I'd suggest the derelict industrial buildings in Trowse would make an ideal location. Your references to research into thriller films is very helpful.
