Thursday 10 December 2009

How is the camerawork and editing used to emphaise difference in the clip from 'Our Freinds In The North'?

Two shot of Nicky and Helen Winsor establishes a retionship between the two characters and unity as a couple. They are both smiling this shows they are comfortable and confident. They are smartly dressed this conotes that they are well manered, socially confident and are most probably used to going out.  This is a master shot and is linked back to at the end of the footage.

Two shot of Mary and Tosca establishes a relationship between the two characters. The over the shoulder shot creates a sense of intensity and reflects Mary and Tosca's discomfort. Having Nicky and Helens faces out of focus in the shot gives the feeling of Mary and Tosca being watched and maybe judged, as if comfrentational.

Long shot establishes contrasts between the couples and emphasises the awkwardness of the situation. Mary Tosca and Nicky have smiling faces whereas Helen does not, as a result of a witty remark Tosca had made mocking Helen. Helens straight face shows establishes top the audience that she is not amused by this incompetent humor, reflecting points about her character.
The close up of Helen establishes the intensity of the scene and conflict between Helen and Mary. The lighting in the background is quite dark with Helen faces illuminated making her face stand out this is done to make Helen's face and expression a focal point and drew the audience’s attention to it. This also intensifies the awkwardness and confrontation of the scene.
This close up of Tosca illustrates his daftness and is bad mannered with little social etiquette. His action is clumsy he is clearly out of place and this is shown by his failure to eat spaghetti. The shoulder of Mary can be seen connoting the enclosure of the characters in this awkward situation enclosed in the almost claustrophobic confrontation.

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