Friday 15 January 2010

Locations: UPDATED: Isabella & Christian's house

Isobel Bailey's house/ Isabella & Christian's house

Shots of Isabella getting ready to leave her house and past life behind after having returned from taking the money
-Taking adress from notice board
-Packing last item in bag
-going out

Notice board 

Isabella takes an address of the notice board, the address where she is heading for to start her new life.
C.U of Isabella's hand taken adress

Front door

Front door Isabella leaves from.

C.U of Isabella hand on door knob
M.S from the top of the strairs going across hallway and out of door.
C.U of Isabella's feet, suitcase can be seen.


Blind's create perfect shadows and are moody and atmospheric
and reminisant of eary thrillers

Due to revisions with our plot the shots with Isabella leaving the house have been cut. The shots of Isabella smoking agaisnt the blinds will remain.

1 comment:

  1. You need to explain why you have revised some of your original ideas which were indeed too plot driven and thus confusing.
