Sunday 17 January 2010

Shooting analysis, 15/1/10

On Friday 15th January after school I went and filmed the final shots of out opening. This was our second day of filming having previously done some filming in Trowse on Monday. The location for the final shots was one of our actors house, Isobel Bailey, this was very convent because the actor was on location. We decided to have Christian’s and Isabella’s house for this location because it was suitably fitting for the part, being fairly large and well furnished. The shoot went very well and I made good use of the lamps and slit blinds in the house, the result of which I could create some good shadows in the shots. The door of the house was particularly interesting and old fashioned with coloured glass panes above it, using this to my advantages I shot Isabella walking past them outside, managing a good looking shot. I also did some shooting outside, in a alleyway near Isobel’s house, the alleyway had perfect lighting from several streetlamps and created excellent shadows. The shooting outside went very smoothly with no problems apart from the occasional dog walking, overall all the shooting was very successful and I felt some very good shots where achieved.

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