Wednesday 20 January 2010

Thriller Audience research: graphs and report

The results from our questionnaire showed that the audience preferred mainstream films to independent films. When asked why they explained that mainstream films have good special effects, and normally have their favourite Hollywood actors. Our audience expected a mainstream film to have a ‘Hollywood’ cast and several big city locations. They also expected mainstream films to have professional, high budget special effects and big stunts. Our audience expected an independent film to have unknown actors, minimum worldwide set locations. They also expected independent films to have little special effects and big stunts, with more attention spent on plot, and a good soundtrack. Our audience expected a thriller films to have generally dark, urban damp locations and when asked about British thrillers they expected a location with tower flats, dirty urban streets, a working class/industrial setting. When asked about characters in thriller film they mostly expected the lead to be male, white and working class, with females normally being used as tools in crime. It is intresting that females preffered independent films more than males, this could be because males prefer a big comfy action film, whereas women a instresting plot with deep charaters. Males preferred action thrillers to all other sub genres, this could be eviendence for my earlier point. Whereas females preferred crime thrillers, this again evidence for my earlier point, that females enjoy a ingaging plot rather then an explosive action packed macho film.
From the research we have concluded that from our sample the audience preferred a mainstream film; the passive hollywood blockbuster is popular for an audience who dose'nt want to be challenged, and wants to enjoy seeing their favourite actor/ess and special effects. 

1 comment:

  1. Good some interesting comments on the different expectations of mainstream/independent thrillers. You segmented the audience male/female - were there any interesting differences in their responses?

    You need to look at three further aspects of thriller films.
