Monday 30 November 2009

Developed synopsis - locations and character profiles

Age: mid-40's
Actor: Martin Lambert

Christian is weary of his daughters lover, Joules, and does not like his daughter being with him. Christian has a controlling and obbessive relationship with his daughter.

Role: Sleek, street-smart, deviant, sophisticated, daughter of Christian, Joule's lover.
Age: early 20's
Actress: Isobel Bailey

Isabella murders he lover joules, stabbing him in the heart. Isabella has an obbessive relationship with her father and kills Joules to please him, as well has getting a twisted pleasure out it herself.

Role: Isabella's lover
Age: Mid 20's
Actor: Harry Ewing

Joules, Isabella's lover is unware of the obbesive, controlling relationship of his lover Isabella and her father, he is murdered by his lover.

The interception by Isabella in the taking-back of the money, and murder of Joules. Isabella deceives her father and attempts to take off with the money Christian has just handed over to Joules. Isabella's intentions are to get away from her Father and the criminal world she lives in, without him finding out.
- Joules gets off train carrying briefcase A

- H
e walks through the station to station entrance and looks at watch

- Camera cuts to Christian in stationary car, who also looks at watch

- Isabella walks into shot in Christians car headlights (POV shot through windscreen) - close-up of Christian's eyes shows his confusion to her whereabouts (why is she there?) establishing her character as having some kind of relation with Christian

- Christian's phone rings, hearing 'i'm on my way etc.' and hangs up

- Christian gets out of his car

- Cuts back to Joules also hanging up,
who continues walking out of station and through street

- Mid shot Joules framed in door way - framed in fate!

- Camera cuts to Joules arriving at meeting destination

- Joules sees Chris' shadow/hears footsteps approaching

- Switch of briefcases is made - handshake

- Chris walks off out of shot

- Joules looking smug, walks off round corner, followed by camera

- Isabella is seen lurking in the shadows

- Close up of boot only handle of knife is seen.

- reveals knife from her boot

- shot of Joules' shadow on wall with Isabella
 approaching behind and attacking with knife, falls to the ground

- Isabella retrieves briefcase B and walks off

- low angle shot of Isabella walking off with Joules' hand in the foreground
- focus changing from Isabella to hand

- Close up of Christians hand hanging out of car window
- watch further establishes link of relationship between Christian and Isabella.

- Outcome- Isabella murders Joules without the knowledge
her father and takes the money with the intention of running away thus deceiving her father.

- Isabella walks away (note the close-ups of hands) a close-up of a hand on her shoulder creating suspense. Who's hand is it? A partner who she is also running away with? Her Dad?


Extreme close up of  Joules'swatch - tilt shot - inter textual reference to 'The Third Man'.
Christian's car
- Cuts to Christian in stationary car, who also looks at watch - links characters and scenes

Extreme close up of watch - tilt shot

Different watch establishes different character and personality.
- Christians hand on steering wheel

Mid shot Joules framed in door way - framed in fate. waiting for Isabella

-Isabella arrives to meet Joules.

Cut back to Christains still waiting in car

Joules and Isabella walk off, headlights can be seen following them, but they do not notice.
Joules and Isabella imbrace, Joules falls/slumps to the ground, Isabella is froze is horror blood can be seen.
Christian grabs/ hand on Isabella's shouldier.


NEW (15/1/10)

Isobel Bailey's house

C.U of reflection in mirror of Isobella putting on lipstick
M.S of Isabella packing last item in suitcase
C.U of Isabella picking up suitcase
M.S of Isabella walking to notice board
C.U of Isabella getting adress
M.S from strairs of Isabella leaving out door
C.U of hand on knob
As Isabella leaves though door, shadow/figure can be seen behind her. Use of glass doors.

We revised are plot because it was too complicated. Instead of the original idea of having a exchange between Christian and Joules, with Isabella intercepting. We felt that we needed to change are idea to make it more controversal, engaging and interesting.

We have cut the shots of Isabella leaving as these are boring and unessery.
We have cut the CU's of the watch/s as these are now not needed.
We have cut down the number of shots in Isabella's house.

Final narrative

CU of Christain in car behind steering wheel
Keeping shots of Isabella getting reaady
CU of isabella's eyes whilst smoking
cuts to CU of Christian's eyes - as if looking at one another
CU's of Joules waiting
CU's of Christain
Isabella and Joules meet, embrace etc
Joules is shot by Christian.

Isabella murders he lover joules, stabbing him in the heart.
Isabella has an obbessive relationship with her father and kills Joules to please him,
as well has getting a twisted pleasure out it herself.

Christian is weary of his daughters lover, Joules,
and does not like his daughter being with him. Christian
has a controlling and obbessive relationship with his daughter.

Shooting Locations

Isabella's house
Christian's car
Castle gardens - meeting place

All props and costumes are the same.


  1. A useful synopsis outlining the visual narrative. Have you decided on a title for the film.

    You could also do a brief outline of the character's background and motives of the chracters for example where does the money come from?
    I thik you could include a dramatic cliff hanger to establish enigma. For example as Isabella walks away (note the closeups of hands) a closeup of a hand on her shoulder would add to suspense. Who does the hand belong to? A cop? A fellow criminal? The dying victim? Think about it.

  2. You need to tidy up your planning.
    1) You evaluate a close up of a watch but the image isn't on your blog.

    2) For your final idea you need to make this clear for example "Final Narrative" to include references to texts which have inspired you.

    3) Explain briefly the complications of the shoot why you had to abandon original idea for thriller opening.

    4) Story boards need to be posted.

    5) Shots (if possible) of new locations.

    6) Evaluate the sound track and its importance to the overall effectiveness of the mise-en-scene and how it intensifies suspense.

    7) Check all planning is on your blog within the next week.
