Wednesday 4 November 2009

Once Upon a Time in America- Thriller reseach

Once Upon a Time in America

Sergio Leone
Date of release
Production companies
Embassy international pictures
PSO international
Warner Bro's, pictures
Filming Locations
Chambers Paper Fibres, Plymouth Street, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA
Cinecittà Studios, Cinecittà, Rome, Lazio, Italy


User ratings
 From using the figures on IMDB this film is show to be most popular amongst males under 18 and males aged 18-29. This is a demographic of the typical auidence for this film, males between the age of 18 and 29.

User comments

IMDB user:
'A sprawling, deliberately paced, and generally a superbly crafted piece of work'

'It's been said that when one watches a "spaghetti" western (one of the "Man with no name" films with Clint Eastwood) filmmaker Sergio Leone's trademark cinema style and flair for clear storytelling is instantly recognizable. This is no truer than in his most ambitious effort, Once Upon a Time in America, in which his usage of close-ups, concise camera movement, sound transitions and syncs, and the sudden change in some scenes from tenderness to violence.'
JackGattanella from United States, 19th October 2003.

External review (to IMDB)

'Once Upon a Time in America is an outstanding film on several levels. Its length and its impeccable attention to period detail give it the feel of an epic. But at its heart, it is the story of one man's journey through life, and the price he's paid for the choices he made along the way.'
Dana Knowles, June 1999.

How does Sergio Leone ultilise the generic conventions of a thriller film in 'Once Apon a Time in America?

Extreme close up, utilised to involve the audience in te action. This is the establishing shot of Eve at the beginning of the film. Her face is illuminated by the glamourous tiffiny lamp, and the audience see her face propably for the first time in portrate. Eve is presented as the 'classic' (thriller) femme fatale; pale skin, red lips, perfectly mangered tightly curled hair and a glamourous hat suitably perched on top. The lamp indicates her glamour and asthetic values, she cares and take pleasure in her appearence.  The shots are simple, and dramatised with the use of chiaroscuro lighting and compostion.

Sergio utilses the theme of murder and crime with this high angle shot of the bed with bullets holes in the shape of a person similar to that of a 'murder etch' it and thus introduces the theme of fear and murder. The high angle shot is used to make Eve look weak, powerless and out of her depth. The bullet holes in the bed are a warning to Eve, a threat. This theart indicates to the audience that Eve is in trouble, and most posibly get murdered. The utilisation of chiaroscuro lighting is used to reinforce the sense of nightmare and suspense.
Eve fits the generic thriller archetype of a femme fatale. Her dress is generic of a  femme fatale, dark red lips, tight skirt, long glamourous coat. Her dress exposers her to the violence of males, she is dressed in a way that  is provoctative and alluring, which is at her weakness. She has high asthetic values and takes care in her appearence. Eve is ultimatly murdered for her reluctence to reveal the where abouts of her lover Noodles, who is a gang member. Eve's relationship with Noodles ingages her into this crime world, in which she does not belong.

1 comment:

  1. To strengthen you could explain how Eve fits the generic thriller archetype of a femme fatale. Check out the definition of femme fatale on

    Note the simplicity of the shots and how composition of mise-en-scene is equisite; also note the utilisation of chiaroscuro lighting to reinforce the sense of nightmare and suspense.
