Wednesday 11 November 2009

Thriller planning - initical loactions ideas

Thriller planning - location ideas

Norwich train station.
Planning to feature train in thriller film opening.
Shots inside and outside trains station.


Trains run though Trowse good place for train montage. Shots of train going under bridge and can be followed as far as Trowse Mill, with good spots for shots which can be done safely.


  1. Well done for starting to post planning ideas onto your blog. In your evaluation of the stills for possible locations you need to explain the purpose of these stills and reference any research into the thriller genre where train stations have played an important role, for example Holly Martins arrival in Vienna in "The Third Man" indicating he is going on a kind of rights of passage emotional and forensic journey. Evaluating your stills is very important.

  2. You need to post your story boards onto your blog. Any revised ideas on the shoot can be explained in your evaluation at the end of the process.

  3. Story boards need posting onto your blog as soon as possible. Though I know you are mkaing some revisions.
